Natural gas in KZN

The natural gas revolution continues: Commercial-scale supplies of compressed natural gas will soon be available to industry in KwaZulu-Natal, with gas supplier Virtual Gas Network (VGN), a division of CNG Holdings, currently setting up shop and targeting 2018 for the first natural gas deliveries. More cost-effective, cleaner and safer than diesel, petrol, paraffin and LPG fuels, converting to natural gas is an opportunity for plants running boilers, ovens, dryers, smelters, kilns and furnaces to significantly […]

SAGA Welcomes Energize as an official media partner

  Energize – the independent power and energy journal of Southern Africa – is a business-to-business journal published by EE Publishers, in print and on-line, eleven times a year, serving the electric power and energy sectors of Southern Africa. Energize provides a voice for CIGRÉ, the South African National Energy Association (SANEA), the South African Electrotechnical Export Council (SAEEC), and the Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA).