The Safety and Technical Advisory Council (STAC)

The Council was established to serve the natural gas and liquid fuels industry as a transparent, non-biased, non-competitive body for Safety and Technical matters. The body was established on 20 September 2016, under guidance of the Southern African Gas Association (SAGA).

The STAC under the umbrella of the SAGA is purely an advisory body and directly reporting to SAGA. The role of STAC is to investigate, research and advise on concerns as to technical and safety aspects facing the industry,  and deliver an official recommendation to SAGA on the aspects upon conclusion of an investigation, assessment or review of the safety and or technical issues at hand.  STAC also review international trends in safety and technical matters including best practices and publish safety and technical bulletins on the same. The aim will also be to communicate best practices on a national or international level via Safety and Technical Bulletins.

Any Safety or Technical aspects relevant to the Methane Based Industry in Southern Africa can be raised for the attention of STAC by completing the form below for the attention of a Council Member: